Kiwi Working


The Seasons are Changing!

In New Zealand, we start and end the calendar year with the season of Summer. Although we don’t get as sweltering hot and suffocatingly humid as our brother from down under, Australia, our summers can feel quite abrasive, especially if you’re in direct sunlight for too long. The team at people2people Auckland participated in Round the Bays 2019in March 2019 and my right arm still has a shirt sleeve tan as I write this in April!

We’re now in April and we are well and truly entering Autumn (aka “Fall” for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere) where the leaves start to shed and become the colour of burnt orange, and the temperature drops to something more chilly. Unfortunately, with the dropping of temperature, so do our immunity levels.


Here are some tips to make sure you’re keeping well for the season:

  • Drink plenty of water – the elixir of life. Put down your cups of coffee and hot chocolate, and fill your bottle with that clear, crystalline liquid. Literally the best thing to drink in any given situation, plus the benefits of drinking water are endless including improving your skin’s complexion and also aiding in weight loss. Often when we experience headaches and migraines it’s merely because we’re dehydrated, so start chugging that much needed H2O.
  • Eat your fruits (and vege!) – get your daily dose of Vitamin C and natural sugar from fruits like kiwifruit, oranges, cantaloupes (rockmelons), pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and cranberries. Pop over to any grocery store (e.g., Countdown, Pak ‘n’ Save, New World) or corner store where you can find a wide range. Sadly, some fruits like strawberries and mangoes are out of season until summer rolls back around.
  • Get some exercise – one of the best things about New Zealand are the many places you can hike and trek. Even just travelling out of the Auckland CBD by 20-30 minutes, can take you to beautiful sandy beaches and numerous nature walks. So, no, you don’t necessarily have to sign up to a local gym and do some cardio on the treadmill, just go outside and explore this wonderful country.


Hey, remember it’s all about moderation. So even if you’re eating healthily and getting exercise, don’t forget to enjoy what New Zealand has to offer whether that is some yummy greasy grub or spectacular sight-seeing. Explore to your heart’s content!

Let us know below about your favourite nature spots in Auckland or across New Zealand.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to provide medical advice. Please refer to your own health professional for your specific health requirements.

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