Kiwi Working


Preparing for the End of the Year: Your Guide to Wrapping Up Your Working Holiday

As the year draws to a close, it’s time to start thinking about how to wrap up your working holiday in New Zealand. Whether you’ve been here for a few months or the entire year, the end of your trip can be both exciting and bittersweet. There’s a sense of achievement from everything you’ve experienced and accomplished, but also a need to take care of practical matters before heading home or moving on to your next adventure.

From tying up loose ends with your employer and saying goodbye to new friends, to sorting out travel logistics and finances, wrapping up a working holiday requires some planning and organisation. This guide will walk you through the key steps to ensure you finish your time in New Zealand on a high note, so you can look back on your experience with fond memories and no lingering worries.

1. Finalise Your Employment Arrangements

One of the first steps in wrapping up your working holiday is finalising things with your employer. This process will vary depending on your type of employment, but here are a few essential tasks to keep in mind:

  • Give Notice: Make sure you’ve given your employer appropriate notice, as per your employment agreement. This is not only a professional courtesy but also a legal requirement in many cases. It’s also a good idea to confirm your end date in writing to avoid any confusion.
  • Request a Reference: Before you leave, ask your employer for a written reference. Having a local reference can be valuable for your future job searches, whether in New Zealand, back home, or elsewhere.
  • Claim Any Remaining Leave: If you’ve accrued holiday pay or any other benefits, make sure to claim them before your final day. Speak with your HR department or employer about the best way to handle this.
  • Return Any Company Property: Ensure you return any company equipment, uniforms, or access cards. Doing so will help leave a positive impression and close out your employment on good terms.

Tip: If you’ve been working under a fixed-term contract, double-check the conditions of your agreement to ensure all requirements are met.

2. Sort Out Your Finances

Once your employment arrangements are settled, it’s time to turn your attention to financial matters. Here’s a quick checklist of what you need to address before leaving the country:

  • Final Pay and Tax: Make sure you receive your final paycheck, which should include any outstanding holiday pay or overtime. If you’ve been paying tax while working in New Zealand, consider applying for a tax refund. Many working holidaymakers are eligible for a partial tax refund, especially if they haven’t worked the full tax year.
  • KiwiSaver (if applicable): If you’ve been contributing to KiwiSaver, New Zealand’s retirement savings scheme, look into your options. You may be able to withdraw your contributions if you’re leaving the country permanently.
  • Close Your Bank Account: Don’t forget to close your New Zealand bank account before you leave. Transfer any remaining funds to your home account and make sure no pending transactions are left unresolved.
  • Sort Out Bills and Subscriptions: Cancel any utilities, phone plans, or subscriptions tied to your New Zealand address to avoid unwanted charges after you’ve left.

Tip: Keep copies of your payslips and tax records, as you may need them for future reference.

3. Plan Your Departure Logistics

With your work and finances sorted, the next step is to organise your travel logistics. Whether you’re heading home or continuing your journey elsewhere, planning ahead will help make the transition smooth and stress-free.

  • Book Your Flights Early: As the end of the year approaches, flights can become more expensive and harder to find. Book your flights as early as possible to get the best deals and secure your preferred travel dates.
  • Consider Luggage and Shipping Options: If you’ve accumulated more belongings than you can carry, look into shipping options. Services like NZ Post and Pack & Send offer reliable shipping solutions for both domestic and international destinations.
  • Check Visa Requirements for Next Destinations: If you’re continuing your travels, check the visa requirements for your next destination. Ensure that your passport is up-to-date and that you have the necessary documentation for onward travel.

Tip: Use up any perishable items or donate them to a local food bank if you’re running low on space in your luggage.

4. Tie Up Loose Ends with Accommodation

If you’ve been renting during your working holiday, there are a few things to consider when closing out your living arrangements:

  • Provide Notice to Your Landlord: Just like with your employer, you’ll need to give your landlord the appropriate notice period, which is typically outlined in your rental agreement.
  • Clean and Inspect the Property: Make sure the property is left clean and in good condition. Arrange a final inspection with your landlord and take photos to document the state of the property, just in case there are any disputes about your bond.
  • Claim Your Bond Back: If you paid a bond when you moved in, apply to have it returned. This process can take a few weeks, so get started as soon as you’ve completed your final inspection.

Tip: Make sure you redirect your mail to your next address to avoid missing any important correspondence.

5. Make the Most of Your Remaining Time

With the practical matters out of the way, it’s time to focus on enjoying your last few weeks in New Zealand. Use this period to tick off any remaining items on your bucket list and spend quality time with friends you’ve made along the way.

  • Plan a Farewell Gathering: Organise a small get-together with your friends, colleagues, or housemates to say goodbye and celebrate your time in New Zealand.
  • Take a Final Road Trip: If you have some time left, consider taking a road trip to explore any places you haven’t yet visited. Whether it’s a weekend in the Coromandel or a final trek through Fiordland, this is your chance to create lasting memories.
  • Capture the Moments: Make sure to take plenty of photos and keep a journal of your final days. These memories will be invaluable when you look back on your working holiday.

Tip: Create a digital photo album or video montage as a keepsake for yourself and to share with those back home.

6. Stay Connected

Leaving New Zealand doesn’t mean you have to lose touch with the people and places you’ve come to love. Here are a few ways to maintain your connections:

  • Exchange Contact Information: Make sure you have up-to-date contact information for your friends, colleagues, and anyone you’ve built a rapport with.
  • Join Alumni Groups: Many working holiday networks and organisations have alumni groups on social media. Staying connected with these communities can be a great way to share experiences and keep in touch.
  • Leave Positive Reviews: If you’ve had great experiences with local businesses, accommodation, or tours, consider leaving positive reviews online. It’s a small gesture that can have a big impact on local operators.

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